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Trust Matters, August 2019

Pre​mium Audits

When you purchase Workers’ Compensation insurance, your premium is based on an estimated payroll.

The estimated payroll is developed by the North Carolina League of Municipalities and is based on your last audit that was provided to the League before the year began. Once the fiscal year is over, NCLM underwriters perform an audit to obtain your actual payroll. Your audited payroll is compared by class code to the estimated payroll and an invoice is produced reflecting any premium differences.

In an effort to serve all members, the League uses various audit methods to obtain your actual payroll. League underwriters and auditors will participate in on-site premium audit assistance, while self-audits will continue to be processed by the Underwriting Unit team. To assist the underwriting team, the League requires you to provide records that reflect your actual payroll for the 2018-19 fiscal year. This includes the following reports: WC Report, Gross Wage Report, Pay Type Report by Name, Payroll History Report, Accumulator Report, etc.

In every report, make sure to include all pay types: gross pay, overtime, sick pay, vacation pay, call pay, longevity, holiday, allowances for cell phone, uniforms, travel, car, military, LEO, stipend pay, bonus and fringe benefits. Some exclusions will be permitted; for instance, the imputed income the IRS taxes each employee for excess life insurance and the premium portion of overtime (1/3 of the time and a half).

In addition, be sure to include active and terminated employees that worked during the fiscal year. This includes all board members, seasonal, part-time, full-time, reserve officers, volunteer firefighters, part-time firefighters and full-time firefighters. The League will need evidence of coverage for your contracted services. Please submit insurance certificates for all independent contractors used and be sure to utilize the Contract Labor Form for all contractors that have failed to provide a certificate of insurance.

​Additionally NCLM will require the following: 

  • Employee roster listing each employee and job title 
  • Page 1 of your esc and 941 reports for each quarter
  • Fire roster from the NCSFA if applicable
  • Copy of your inmate contract and monthly invoices from the department of public safety/corrections if applicable
  • List of your auxiliary police officers
  • Copy of your auxiliary police ordinance if applicable
Once you have provided the League with the above-mentioned documents, your audit process should go very smoothly.  
Please call or email us if you have any questions. We are more than glad to assist you in any way possible:
Gary Burkhardt-Sr. Underwriter/Auditor 919-715-2914
Steven Hulme-Sr. Underwriter/Auditor  919-715-3923
Ariele D’Angelo Sr.-P&C Underwriter 919-715-8151
Patrice Adams Sr.-P&C Underwriter 919-715-9549

Baseball, Apple Pie & Workers' Comp​

It’s that time of year everyone wants to be outside enjoying time with coworkers, planning outdoor functions such as picnics and playing on sports teams.  If you are planning an employer-sponsored event keep in mind that injuries occurring at these events may fall under workers’ compensation.   Ask yourself these questions:

  •  Did the Employer in fact sponsor the event
  • To what extent was attendance really voluntary
  • Was there some degree of encouragement to attend by taking attendance, paying for time spent, requiring employees to work if not in attendance, maintaining a known custom of attending  
  • Did the Employer substantially finance the occasion
  • Do Employees regard it as an employment benefit
  • Did Employer benefit from the event by have opportunity to make speeches and give awards

If you have any questions about this or any other workers’ compensation questions, please do not hesitate to give us a call at 919-715-4000.

Natu​rally Slim

The North Carolina League of Municipalities’ Health Benefits Trust partners with many wellness programs that improve employees’ health by providing practical tips and information. We carefully research our partners to make sure they have the success rates and evidence to back up their claims.  

Naturally Slim, is a not-a-diet weight loss program that teaches participants about small changes that can have a big impact. The 10-week online course is free to HBT members and highlights a range of topics related to weight loss and behavior change while avoiding common weight-loss program methods and rules like counting calories or eliminating certain types of food. Instead, the program focuses on a handful of simple principles related to how much and when to eat.

Our partnership with Naturally Slim has resulted in participating members reporting that they have:

  • Lost more than 3,795+ pounds
  • Gained improvements with indigestion (100% of participants)
  • Improved self-confidence (86% of participants)
  • Increased energy levels (76% of participants)
We currently offer complimentary enrollment in Naturally Slim twice a year, with classes beginning in March and September annually. Notices are sent to both employers and employees.  Employees should be watching for their postcard in the mail so they can enroll August 19 through August 31 for our September class. 
“Holy cow! My 10th day of this wonderful concept, and I am down 8.5lbs! And all while eating normal food that I actually like... I’m learning that how and when are more important than what. Thank you Naturally Slim for the easiest thing I’ve ever done.”

​​Run, Hide, Fight​

​On April 20, 1999, the world seemed to change forever as Americans watched the tragic events unfold at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, where two teenage students went on a shooting spree, killing 13 people and wounding more than 20 others.

This tragedy sparked a major change for how law enforcement agencies respond to active shooting events, creating the need for active response training and new approaches to these community threats. 

Law enforcement agencies across the country have continued to provide training for officers in active shooter responses and in response tactics. It is important to understand that when these events happen, they rapidly unfold within short time frames before police can arrive to take action. There are proactive things our employees and citizens can do to increase their safety and survival.  

Since 2016, the North Carolina League of Municipalities has responded to municipal requests for active shooter preparedness training. This training follows recommendations from the Department of Homeland Security’s Run-Hide-Fight program and emphasizes to the participants the importance of situational awareness and response considerations when encountering these events. It is important that municipalities have a plan for employees and are prepared in the event an active shooter situation occurs. It is recommended that policy and training take place involving local law enforcement and other stakeholders.
The FBI defines an active shooter as an individual who is engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area.

The Department of Homeland Security recommends that if a citizen believes there is an active shooter in the vicinity, to be prepared both mentally and physically to deal with the situation.  Citizens must be alert and ready with a pre-developed plan in place. Since incidents vary, and rapidly unfold, a plan of action is imperative, and citizens should consider three options:  
  1. RUN (try to escape/evacuate without delay, if possible)
  2. HIDE (if unable to run, then hide in locked areas/out of site, and barricade the door)
  3. FIGHT (as a last resort, acting with physical aggression to stop the threat).

If confronted with an active shooter situation, early identification of the threat and taking swift action is a top priority while maintaining a survival mindset.
For more information on active shooter preparedness initiatives, please visit: 

DHS Active Shooter Preparedness,

For further assistance and more information related to NCLM training, contact Tom Anderson, NCLM Director of Risk Control,
